Add A Deployment Group ====================== Each environment has Deployment Groups, and the Deployment Groups contain all of the computing servers of a certain type within an environment that should be treated as a unit. Standard deployment groups are Code, Asset, and Database. This guide assumes some knowledge of Cascade terminology, before proceeding read more about Deployment Targets, Deployment Groups, and Deployment Environments in :ref:`our FAQ on this subject. ` .. note: screenshot starting width: 1200 x 675 or 1200 x 900 .. |Environment Dashboard| image:: ../../../shared/images/portal/admin_environment_dashboard.jpg :width: 400 :alt: Environments Dashboard .. |Deployment Group Form| image:: ../../../shared/images/portal/admin_deployment_group_form.jpg :width: 400 :alt: Deployment Group Form .. |Environment Target Form| image:: ../../../shared/images/portal/admin_environment_target_form.jpg :width: 400 :alt: Environments Target Form Prerequisites +++++++++++++ You will need to log into Cascade as a special kind of administrator to add Deployment Groups. In order to check your permissions, please navigate to the Environments tab in the administration section of Cascade, you should see a display similar to below. |Environment Dashboard| Take note of the + icon next to the Deployment Groups header. If you do not see the + icon, your account does not have permission to add Deployment Groups. Add a New Deployment Group ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #. Navigate to the Environments Tab in the Administration dashboard by clicking the Administration header and then the Environments tab. #. Ensure you have the appropriate permissions to create Deployment Groups by looking for the + symbol next to the Deployment Groups header as shown above. #. Navigate to the environment you want to add a Deployment Group to by clicking on the environment name. #. Click the + symbol beside the Deployment Groups header. #. Fill in your desired name for the Deployment Group. Note that there is a switch to add the Deployment Group to *all* environments. If you do not want to add the Deployment Group to *all* environments, click the switch to turn this feature off. #. Click the "Create" button. |Deployment Group Form| Attach Deployment Targets to Deployment Groups ---------------------------------------------- After your Deployment Group is created, you must decide which Deployment Targets are associated with it. #. Click on the gear icon next to the Deployment Group and decide what targets are enabled by clicking a check-box. #. Click the save button. #. Repeat for each new Deployment Group. |Environment Target Form| Update an Existing Deployment Group +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #. Navigate to the Environments Tab in the Administration dashboard. #. Select the Environment Tab that is going to edited. #. Click the Gear in the desired Deployment Group. #. Select or deselect the desired Deployment Target in the drop down. Search in the search box if needed. #. Click the Save button. If you selected a Deployment Target then it should show up in the Deployment Group area. Alternatively, If you deselected a Deployment Target then it should no longer be in the Deployment Group area. Remove a Deployment Group +++++++++++++++++++++++++ #. Navigate to the Environments Tab in the Administration dashboard. #. Select the Environment Tab that is going to edited. #. Click the gear in the desired Deployment Group and deselect any Deployment Targets associated with the Deployment Group. Click "Save". #. Click the trashcan in the desired Deployment Group. Click "Confirm".