Add Links ========= The Link feature manages groups of symbolic links in each environment's file system on behalf of a project. Each symbolic link has a source and a destination. The source is required to be defined relative to the project webroot and the destination can be almost anywhere in the filesystem. Example uses of the links feature: * Load Composer artifacts inside main project code. * Duplicate folders named for domains in Drupal multisite configuration. * Runtime configuration files for Node applications. .. note: screenshot starting width: 1200 x 675 or 1200 x 900 .. |Code Icon| image:: ../../../shared/images/v2.6.2/portal/icon_code.jpg :height: 16 :align: middle :alt: Open the links settings .. |Links Icon| image:: ../../../shared/images/v2.6.2/portal/icon_links.jpg :height: 16 :align: middle :alt: Open the links settings .. |Plus Icon Blue| image:: ../../../shared/images/v2.6.2/portal/icon_plus_blue.jpg :height: 12 :align: middle :alt: Click to add a link .. |Project links| image:: ../../../shared/images/v2.6.2/portal/project_links.jpg :width: 400 :alt: Show the links settings for the project .. |Project Code Disabled| image:: ../../../shared/images/v2.6.2/portal/project_code_disabled.jpg :width: 400 :alt: The links feature is disabled .. |Project links Example| image:: ../../../shared/images/v2.6.2/portal/project_links_example.jpg :width: 400 :alt: An example of links configured for Prerequisites +++++++++++++ You will need to log into Cascade as a Project Administrator to configure links. To check your permissions, please navigate to the overview page of the project you wish to modify. If your display does not include the links icon ( |links Icon| ) in the left toolbar, your account does not have sufficient privileges to proceed. If you click the links icon, you should see the links configuration page. |Project links| .. _TASK Enable links: Enable links +++++++++++++ The links feature is enabled for projects that use the Code feature. In order to use links, Please navigate to the overview page of the project you wish to modify and click the code icon ( |Code Icon| ) in the left toolbar. If code is not currently enabled you will see a page like below. Keep in mind that the code repository can remain empty if you simply want to use links. |Project Code Disabled| #. Uncheck the checkbox titled "This project does not use code" to enable both code and links. #. Click the Save button in the banner that appears in the navigation area. .. _TASK Add Additional Links: Add New links +++++++++++++ Please navigate to the overview page of the project you wish to modify and click the links icon ( |links Icon| ) in the left toolbar. Take note of any instruction provided at the top of the page and keep in mind that links are managed as a single set at the environment level. *Note:* You can add as many links as your application needs by repeating the instructions below. Step 1: Add links ----------------- #. Locate the environment you want to target with a new link in the list. #. Click the plus icon |Plus Icon Blue| at the bottom of the target environment to open the link form. #. Fill in the from and to paths. #. Repeat until the links needed by your application are listed. #. Click the save button in the page-top banner. |Project Links Example| Step 2: Deploy links -------------------- The final step is to deploy the links. Links are written when code is deployed to an environment. #. Navigate to the project overview dashboard. #. For each environment listed, find the "Initialize" or "Deploy" button for the code and click it to create the links for the project.